
Monday, October 3, 2011

Because of Doctor Who I am Afraid of...

  1. mannequins
  2. Christmas trees
  3. cats
  4. monks
  5. school food
  6. clocks
  7. blue tooth devices
  8. TV's
  9. cupboards
  10. children's drawings
  11. MRI machines
  12. straws
  13. gas masks
  14. brass bands
  15. statues
  16. blinking
  17. the dark
  18. shadows
  19. libraries
  20. cracks
  21. coma patients
  22. hospitals
  23. ...and hospitals again
  24. cars
  25. weight loss pills
  26. drums
  27. water
  28. music
  29. pigs
  30. old ladies
  31. old people in general
  32. wasps
  33. pictures of angles
  34. things stuck in my eye
  35. eyes
  36. fish
  37. tattoos
  38. waiting "five minutes"
  39. "Bad Wolf"
  40. dreaming
  41. protesting
  42. forgetting
  43.  42
  44. computers
  45. friendly ghosts
  46. steel
  47. sewers
  48. having type A blood
  49. theaters
  50. reality TV shows
  51. lipstick
  52. not having tea in an emergency
  53. diamonds
  54. fireplaces
  55. the moon
  56. scarecrows
  57. children
  58. exhaust
  59. buses
  60. the corner of my eye
  61. insignificant doors
  62. the upstairs apartment
  63. the ground
  64. nights with no stars
  65. blue envelopes
  66. reflective objects
  67. mail
  68. kindness
  69. silence
  70. hotels
  71. the oval office
  72. department stores
  73. Van Gogh paintings
  74. weddings
  75. coronations
  76. plastic
  77. bodies that seem to be dead
  78. Utah
  79. space exploration
  80. the word "Magpie"
  81. myself
  82. voting
  83. what I can't remember
  84. no ducks in a duck pond
  85. imaginary friends
  86. my childhood best friend
  87. modern technology
  88. Shakespeare
  89. Centurions
  90. eye patches
  91. journals
  92. spoilers
  93. Easter eggs
  94. geniuses
  95. Agatha Christie mysteries
  96. copycats
  97. government officials
  98.  astronauts
  99. history
  100. Steven Moffat
...101. Doctor Who

It was surprisingly simple to create this list of 101 things I am now afraid of because of Doctor Who. Now, if you are a fan, try and match up which number goes to which episode. Have fun! Some things can go to more than one and some connect to Doctor Who in general.

Is there anything I missed? Add to the list in comments!

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